Python Django Backend Developer


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Django Frame Work

Module 1: Introduction

Introduction to Django framework, Setting up a Django development environment,  Understanding the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture, Creating a simple Django project, Managing Django applications

Module 2: Models and Databases

Working with models and database relationships, Defining models using Django's ORM (Object-Relational Mapping), Implementing CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations, Using database migrations, Advanced querying with Django ORM

Module 3: Views and Templates

Understanding views and URL routing, Creating views and handling HTTP requests, Rendering dynamic templates, Working with Django's template language, Implementing forms and handling form submissions

Module 4: Authentication and Authorization

Implementing user registration and authentication, Managing user sessions and cookies, Integrating third-party authentication providers, Implementing role-based access control, Securing Django applications

Module 5: RESTful APIs with Django

Introduction to RESTful APIs,  Building RESTful APIs using Django Rest Framework, Serializing and deserializing data with DRF, Handling authentication and permissions for APIs, Testing and documenting APIs

Module 6: Advanced Django Concepts

Working with Django's built-in middleware, Caching and optimization techniques, Managing static files and media uploads, Background task processing with Celery, Using Django signals for decoupled logic

Module 7: Testing and Debugging

Writing unit tests for Django applications, Using Django's test framework, Debugging techniques and tools, Performance profiling and optimization, Handling errors and exceptions

Module 8: Deployment and Scaling

Preparing a Django application for deployment, Configuring production settings, Deploying Django applications on popular hosting platforms, Setting up load balancing and scaling strategies, Monitoring and performance optimization

Module 9: Security and Best Practices

Common security vulnerabilities and mitigation techniques, Implementing secure authentication and authorization, Protecting against cross-site scripting (XSS) and cross-site request forgery (CSRF), Following best practices in Django development, Code documentation and maintainability

Module 10: Project deployment

Project work where learners apply their skills to build a complete Django application, Working with version control (Git) and collaborative development workflows, and create code deployment steps.